Keeping in mind the upcoming IPL 2018, both Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel are trying to up the ante in the live streaming genre. While Reliance Jio has announced the Cricket Season Pack which will offer all the subscribers 102GB of data for watching IPL 2018 matches on their smartphones and Live stream matches for 51 days, Bharti Airtel has updated its Airtel TV app through which, users will be able to watch all the Indian Premier League matches via Hotstar. For the unknown, Airtel’s announcement to offer free streaming services for the IPL 2018 comes just a day after Reliance Jio launched its Rs. 251 plan for cricket fans.
Moreover, Star India’s Hotstar owns all the digital streaming rights of the Indian Premier League cricket matches and the OTT service provider has now extended this privilege to you. Hotstar has rolled out a new “All Sports Pack” that costs Rs 299 and will let you stream all IPL 2018 games along with other sports events live for a year. This is also the first time that Hotstar has decided to charge a fee for streaming of the Indian Premier League which speaks volumes about the rising demand for live streaming these days.
Airtel TV
Airtel subscribers can watch the Vivo IPL 2018, which is set to start from April 7, for free via Hotstar. Under this offer, Airtel TV app users won’t have to pay the subscription fee which is charged by Hotstar for streaming IPL 2018 cricket matches. However, they will have to pay for the data consumed for watching these matches. Airtel has also introduced a new version of the Airtel TV app that will now offer a dedicated cricket section coupled with 'all the LIVE action'. To access the free live streaming of IPL matches via the Airtel TV app, users will need to install the latest version of the app while existing users, on the other hand, will receive automatic update notifications.
Reliance Jio TV
Reliance Jio's recently-introduced prepaid recharge plan called the Cricket Season Pack is priced at Rs. 251 and offers 102GB of data for a period of 51 days coupled with live-streaming of IPL 2018 matches. Subscribers will have access to LIVE matches throughout these 51 days. While the eleventh edition of the Indian Premier League will be held from 7 April to May 27, Jio’s new prepaid recharge plan was announced along with a new mobile game - 'Jio Cricket Play Along' as well as a TV show called 'Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan LIVE'.