Bharti Airtel, the country's largest telecom company, has reintroduced a postpaid plan at Rs 649 to offer 50 GBs or gigabytes of rollover data and a free add-on connection. The Rs 649 postpaid plan of Airtel is the latest addition to its bouquet of best-selling postpaid plans priced at Rs 399, Rs 499, Rs 799 and Rs 1,199, according to Bharti Airtel's website - Previously, this plan used to offer 30 GBs of rollover data. Airtel, led by billionaire Sunil Bharti Mittal, has been revamping its prepaid and postpaid plans ever since competition in the telecom sector heated up due to the arrival of billionaire Mukesh Ambani-led arival telecom company Reliance Jio.
Airtel postpaid plan offer at Rs 649This postpaid plan of Airtel comes with 50 GBs of 3G/4G data rollover facility, which means that the unused data of a particular month gets carried forward to the next one. This Airtel plan offers unlimited local and STD calls. Unlimited incoming calls are allowed on roaming while outgoing calls on roaming are also bundled with this plan.
It also offers a free add-on connection facility, which allows the user to add a child Airtel postpaid connection to the primary account and enjoy the same benefits.
(Airtel postpaid plan of Rs 649 offers 50 GB 3G/4G data rollover facility.)A one-year subscription of Amazon Prime - a video/music streaming service by Amazon - is also added in this plan. Additional benefits of this plan include subscription of Wynk Music, live TV and movies, handset damage protection, and free add-on connection with unlimited calls.
Recently, Airtel extended its
'1000 GB free data offer' for broadband users till October 31.
Last month,
Airtel had introduced Samsung's Galaxy S9 and S9+ smartphones (64GB variant) on its online store. Both were available on a down payment of Rs 9,900.